MagIA de IArna
Obiectivul Proiectului
Explorarea și aplicarea capacităților inteligenței artificiale ca instrument de lucru în procesul creativ de proiectare și realizare a felicitărilor de iarnă.
Scopul Proiectului
Oferirea de unelte intuitive bazate pe IA pentru a genera felicitări personalizate, evidențiind elemente specifice iernii, într-un mod captivant și ușor de utilizat, contribuind astfel la crearea unei atmosfere festive și pline de bucurie.
Microsoft Teams usage course
Microsoft Teams is a digital hub that brings conversations, content and applications together in one place.Teachers can create collaborative classrooms, connect in professional learning communities, and communicate with school staff - all from a single Office 365 experience for Education.
Zoom platform usage course
The Zoom video conferencing platform is one of the most popular video meeting platforms among schools in Romania during this period. It allows you to create free online meetings (meetings) where you can invite
up to 100 participants via a link.
Webex usage course
Cisco Systems supports the learning process and proactively provides free video, voice, and text collaboration solutions for educational institutions. Although there are limitations in the capabilities and performance of free variants compared to their commercial alternatives, applications can meet a wide range of needs in terms of remote communication and collaboration.